Crank Horsepower: 400-450HP (18G 50.3/68 mm Trim 55) for Gasoline
Couldn't load pickup availability
Afghanistan (AF) | 8 | Dominican Rep. (DO) | 7 | Liberia (LR) | 8 | Samoa (WS) | 4 |
Albania (AL) | 7 | East Timor (TL) | 4 | Libya (LY) | 8 | San Marino (SM) | 7 |
Algeria (DZ) | 8 | Ecuador (EC) | 7 | Liechtenstein (LI) | 6 | Sao Tome And Principe (ST) | 8 |
American Samoa (AS) | 8 | Egypt (EG) | N | Lithuania (LT) | 6 | Saudi Arabia (SA) | 7 |
Andorra (AD) | 6 | El Salvador (SV) | 7 | Luxembourg (LU) | 6 | Senegal (SN) | 8 |
Angola (AO) | 8 | Eritrea (ER) | 8 | Macau (MO) | 1 | Serbia, Rep. Of (RS) | 7 |
Anguilla (AI) | 7 | Estonia (EE) | 6 | Madagascar (MG) | 8 | Seychelles (SC) | 8 |
Antigua (AG) | 7 | Ethiopia (ET) | 8 | Malawi (MW) | 8 | Sierra Leone (SL) | 8 |
Argentina (AR) | 7 | Falkland Islands (FK) | 7 | Malaysia (MY) | 3 | Singapore (SG) | 2 |
Armenia (AM) | 7 | Faroe Islands (FO) | 7 | Maldives (MV) | 8 | Slovakia (SK) | 6 |
Aruba (AW) | 7 | Fiji (FJ) | 4 | Mali (ML) | 8 | Slovenia (SI) | 8 |
Australia (AU) | 4 | Finland (FI) | 6 | Malta (MT) | 6 | Solomon Islands (SB) | 4 |
Austria (AT) | 8 | France (FR) | 8 | Mariana Islands (MP) | 8 | Somalia (SO) | 8 |
Azerbaijan (AZ) | 7 | French Guyana (GF) | 7 | Marshall Islands (MH) | 4 | Somaliland, Rep Of (XS) | 8 |
Bahamas (BS) | 7 | Gabon (GA) | 8 | Martinique (MQ) | 7 | South Africa (ZA) | 8 |
Bahrain (BH) | 7 | Gambia (GM) | 8 | Mauritania (MR) | 8 | South Sudan (SS) | 8 |
Bangladesh (BD) | 4 | Georgia (GE) | 7 | Mauritius (MU) | 8 | Spain (ES) | 8 |
Barbados (BB) | 7 | Germany (DE) | 8 | Mayotte (YT) | 8 | Sri Lanka (LK) | 8 |
Belarus (BY) | 7 | Ghana (GH) | 8 | Mexico (MX) | 7 | St. Barthelemy (XY) | 7 |
Belgium (BE) | 8 | Gibraltar (GI) | 6 | Micronesia (FM) | 4 | St. Eustatius (XE) | 7 |
Belize (BZ) | 7 | Greece (GR) | 8 | Moldova, Rep. Of (MD) | N | St. Kitts (KN) | 7 |
Benin (BJ) | 8 | Greenland (GL) | 6 | Monaco (MC) | 6 | St. Lucia (LC) | 7 |
Bermuda (BM) | 7 | Grenada (GD) | 7 | Mongolia (MN) | 8 | St. Maarten (XM) | 7 |
Bhutan (BT) | 7 | Guadeloupe (GP) | 7 | Montenegro, Rep Of (ME) | 7 | St. Vincent (VC) | 7 |
Bolivia (BO) | 7 | Guam (GU) | 8 | Montserrat (MS) | 7 | Sudan (SD) | 8 |
Bonaire (XB) | 7 | Guatemala (GT) | 7 | Morocco (MA) | 8 | Suriname (SR) | 7 |
Bosnia & Herzegovina(BA) | 7 | Guernsey (GG) | 6 | Mozambique (MZ) | 8 | Swaziland (SZ) | 8 |
Botswana (BW) | 8 | Guinea Rep. (GN) | 8 | Myanmar (MM) | N | Sweden (SE) | 8 |
Brazil (BR) | 7 | Guinea-Bissau (GW) | 8 | Namibia (NA) | 8 | Switzerland (CH) | 6 |
Brunei (BN) | 3 | Guinea-Equatorial (GQ) | 8 | Nauru, Rep. Of (NR) | 4 | Syria (SY) | 8 |
Bulgaria (BG) | 8 | Guyana (British) (GY) | 7 | Nepal (NP) | 7 | Tahiti (PF) | 8 |
Burkina Faso (BF) | 8 | Haiti (HT) | 7 | Netherlands, The (NL) | 8 | Tajikistan (TJ) | 7 |
Burundi (BI) | 8 | Honduras (HN) | 7 | Nevis (XN) | 7 | Tanzania (TZ) | 8 |
Cambodia (KH) | 3 | Hong Kong (HK) | 1 | New Caledonia (NC) | 4 | Thailand (TH) | 3 |
Cameroon (CM) | 8 | Hungary (HU) | 8 | New Zealand (NZ) | 4 | Togo (TG) | 8 |
Canada (CA) | 5 | Iceland (IS) | 8 | Nicaragua (NI) | 7 | Tonga (TO) | 4 |
Canary Islands, The (IC) | 8 | India (IN) | 4 | Niger (NE) | 8 | Trinidad And Tobago (TT) | 7 |
Cape Verde (CV) | 8 | Indonesia (ID) | 3 | Nigeria (NG) | 8 | Tunisia (TN) | 8 |
Cayman Islands (KY) | 7 | Iran (IR) | 8 | Niue (NU) | 4 | Turkey (TR) | 7 |
Central African Rep(CF) | 8 | Iraq (IQ) | 8 | North Macedonia (MK) | 7 | Turkmenistan (TM) | 7 |
Chad (TD) | 8 | Ireland, Rep. Of (IE) | 6 | Norway (NO) | 8 | Turks & Caicos (TC) | 7 |
Chile (CL) | 7 | Israel (IL) | N | Oman (OM) | 7 | Tuvalu (TV) | 4 |
China (CN) *1 | 1 | Italy (IT) | 8 | Pakistan (PK) | 4 | USA (US) *3 | 5 |
China (CN) *2 | 2 | Jamaica (JM) | 7 | Palau (PW) | 4 | Uganda (UG) | N |
Colombia (CO) | 7 | Japan (JP) | 2 | Panama (PA) | 7 | Ukraine (UA) | N |
Comoros (KM) | 8 | Jersey (JE) | 6 | Papua New Guinea (PG) | 4 | United Arab Emirates (AE) | 7 |
Congo (CG) | 8 | Jordan (JO) | 8 | Paraguay (PY) | 7 | United Kingdom (GB) | 6 |
Congo, DPR (CD) | 8 | Kazakhstan (KZ) | N | Peru (PE) | N | Uruguay (UY) | N |
Cook Islands (CK) | 4 | Kenya (KE) | N | Philippines, The (PH) | 3 | Uzbekistan (UZ) | 7 |
Costa Rica (CR) | 8 | Kiribati (KI) | 4 | Poland (PL) | 8 | Vanuatu (VU) | 4 |
Cote D Ivoire (CI) | 8 | Korea, Rep. Of (KR) | 2 | Portugal (PT) | 8 | Vatican City (VA) | 6 |
Croatia (HR) | 6 | Korea, D.P.R Of (KP) | 8 | Puerto Rico (PR) | 7 | Venezuela (VE) | 7 |
Cuba (CU) | 8 | Kosovo (KV) | 7 | Qatar (QA) | N | Vietnam (VN) | N |
Curacao (XC) | 7 | Kuwait (KW) | 7 | Reunion, Island Of (RE) | 8 | Virgin Islands-British (VG) | 7 |
Cyprus (CY) | 8 | Kyrgyzstan (KG) | 7 | Romania (RO) | 8 | Virgin Islands-US (VI) | 8 |
Czech Rep., The (CZ) | 6 | Laos (LA) | 3 | Russian Federation (RU)*4 | 4 | Yemen, Rep. Of (YE) | N |
Denmark (DK) | 8 | Latvia (LV) | 6 | Rwanda (RW) | 8 | Zambia (ZM) | 8 |
Djibouti (DJ) | 8 | Lebanon (LB) | 8 | Saint Helena (SH) | 8 | Zimbabwe (ZW) | N |
Dominica (DM) | 7 | Lesotho (LS) | 8 |
Afghanistan (AF) | 8 | Dominican Rep. (DO) | 7 | Liberia (LR) | 8 | Samoa (WS) | 4 |
Albania (AL) | 7 | East Timor (TL) | 4 | Libya (LY) | 8 | San Marino (SM) | 7 |
Algeria (DZ) | 8 | Ecuador (EC) | 7 | Liechtenstein (LI) | 6 | Sao Tome And Principe (ST) | 8 |
American Samoa (AS) | 8 | Egypt (EG) | N | Lithuania (LT) | 6 | Saudi Arabia (SA) | 7 |
Andorra (AD) | 6 | El Salvador (SV) | 7 | Luxembourg (LU) | 6 | Senegal (SN) | 8 |
Angola (AO) | 8 | Eritrea (ER) | 8 | Macau (MO) | 1 | Serbia, Rep. Of (RS) | 7 |
Anguilla (AI) | 7 | Estonia (EE) | 6 | Madagascar (MG) | 8 | Seychelles (SC) | 8 |
Antigua (AG) | 7 | Ethiopia (ET) | 8 | Malawi (MW) | 8 | Sierra Leone (SL) | 8 |
Argentina (AR) | 7 | Falkland Islands (FK) | 7 | Malaysia (MY) | 3 | Singapore (SG) | 2 |
Armenia (AM) | 7 | Faroe Islands (FO) | 7 | Maldives (MV) | 8 | Slovakia (SK) | 6 |
Aruba (AW) | 7 | Fiji (FJ) | 4 | Mali (ML) | 8 | Slovenia (SI) | 8 |
Australia (AU) | 4 | Finland (FI) | 6 | Malta (MT) | 6 | Solomon Islands (SB) | 4 |
Austria (AT) | 8 | France (FR) | 8 | Mariana Islands (MP) | 8 | Somalia (SO) | 8 |
Azerbaijan (AZ) | 7 | French Guyana (GF) | 7 | Marshall Islands (MH) | 4 | Somaliland, Rep Of (XS) | 8 |
Bahamas (BS) | 7 | Gabon (GA) | 8 | Martinique (MQ) | 7 | South Africa (ZA) | 8 |
Bahrain (BH) | 7 | Gambia (GM) | 8 | Mauritania (MR) | 8 | South Sudan (SS) | 8 |
Bangladesh (BD) | 4 | Georgia (GE) | 7 | Mauritius (MU) | 8 | Spain (ES) | 8 |
Barbados (BB) | 7 | Germany (DE) | 8 | Mayotte (YT) | 8 | Sri Lanka (LK) | 8 |
Belarus (BY) | 7 | Ghana (GH) | 8 | Mexico (MX) | 7 | St. Barthelemy (XY) | 7 |
Belgium (BE) | 8 | Gibraltar (GI) | 6 | Micronesia (FM) | 4 | St. Eustatius (XE) | 7 |
Belize (BZ) | 7 | Greece (GR) | 8 | Moldova, Rep. Of (MD) | N | St. Kitts (KN) | 7 |
Benin (BJ) | 8 | Greenland (GL) | 6 | Monaco (MC) | 6 | St. Lucia (LC) | 7 |
Bermuda (BM) | 7 | Grenada (GD) | 7 | Mongolia (MN) | 8 | St. Maarten (XM) | 7 |
Bhutan (BT) | 7 | Guadeloupe (GP) | 7 | Montenegro, Rep Of (ME) | 7 | St. Vincent (VC) | 7 |
Bolivia (BO) | 7 | Guam (GU) | 8 | Montserrat (MS) | 7 | Sudan (SD) | 8 |
Bonaire (XB) | 7 | Guatemala (GT) | 7 | Morocco (MA) | 8 | Suriname (SR) | 7 |
Bosnia & Herzegovina(BA) | 7 | Guernsey (GG) | 6 | Mozambique (MZ) | 8 | Swaziland (SZ) | 8 |
Botswana (BW) | 8 | Guinea Rep. (GN) | 8 | Myanmar (MM) | N | Sweden (SE) | 8 |
Brazil (BR) | 7 | Guinea-Bissau (GW) | 8 | Namibia (NA) | 8 | Switzerland (CH) | 6 |
Brunei (BN) | 3 | Guinea-Equatorial (GQ) | 8 | Nauru, Rep. Of (NR) | 4 | Syria (SY) | 8 |
Bulgaria (BG) | 8 | Guyana (British) (GY) | 7 | Nepal (NP) | 7 | Tahiti (PF) | 8 |
Burkina Faso (BF) | 8 | Haiti (HT) | 7 | Netherlands, The (NL) | 8 | Tajikistan (TJ) | 7 |
Burundi (BI) | 8 | Honduras (HN) | 7 | Nevis (XN) | 7 | Tanzania (TZ) | 8 |
Cambodia (KH) | 3 | Hong Kong (HK) | 1 | New Caledonia (NC) | 4 | Thailand (TH) | 3 |
Cameroon (CM) | 8 | Hungary (HU) | 8 | New Zealand (NZ) | 4 | Togo (TG) | 8 |
Canada (CA) | 5 | Iceland (IS) | 8 | Nicaragua (NI) | 7 | Tonga (TO) | 4 |
Canary Islands, The (IC) | 8 | India (IN) | 4 | Niger (NE) | 8 | Trinidad And Tobago (TT) | 7 |
Cape Verde (CV) | 8 | Indonesia (ID) | 3 | Nigeria (NG) | 8 | Tunisia (TN) | 8 |
Cayman Islands (KY) | 7 | Iran (IR) | 8 | Niue (NU) | 4 | Turkey (TR) | 7 |
Central African Rep(CF) | 8 | Iraq (IQ) | 8 | North Macedonia (MK) | 7 | Turkmenistan (TM) | 7 |
Chad (TD) | 8 | Ireland, Rep. Of (IE) | 6 | Norway (NO) | 8 | Turks & Caicos (TC) | 7 |
Chile (CL) | 7 | Israel (IL) | N | Oman (OM) | 7 | Tuvalu (TV) | 4 |
China (CN) *1 | 1 | Italy (IT) | 8 | Pakistan (PK) | 4 | USA (US) *3 | 5 |
China (CN) *2 | 2 | Jamaica (JM) | 7 | Palau (PW) | 4 | Uganda (UG) | N |
Colombia (CO) | 7 | Japan (JP) | 2 | Panama (PA) | 7 | Ukraine (UA) | N |
Comoros (KM) | 8 | Jersey (JE) | 6 | Papua New Guinea (PG) | 4 | United Arab Emirates (AE) | 7 |
Congo (CG) | 8 | Jordan (JO) | 8 | Paraguay (PY) | 7 | United Kingdom (GB) | 6 |
Congo, DPR (CD) | 8 | Kazakhstan (KZ) | N | Peru (PE) | N | Uruguay (UY) | N |
Cook Islands (CK) | 4 | Kenya (KE) | N | Philippines, The (PH) | 3 | Uzbekistan (UZ) | 7 |
Costa Rica (CR) | 8 | Kiribati (KI) | 4 | Poland (PL) | 8 | Vanuatu (VU) | 4 |
Cote D Ivoire (CI) | 8 | Korea, Rep. Of (KR) | 2 | Portugal (PT) | 8 | Vatican City (VA) | 6 |
Croatia (HR) | 6 | Korea, D.P.R Of (KP) | 8 | Puerto Rico (PR) | 7 | Venezuela (VE) | 7 |
Cuba (CU) | 8 | Kosovo (KV) | 7 | Qatar (QA) | N | Vietnam (VN) | N |
Curacao (XC) | 7 | Kuwait (KW) | 7 | Reunion, Island Of (RE) | 8 | Virgin Islands-British (VG) | 7 |
Cyprus (CY) | 8 | Kyrgyzstan (KG) | 7 | Romania (RO) | 8 | Virgin Islands-US (VI) | 8 |
Czech Rep., The (CZ) | 6 | Laos (LA) | 3 | Russian Federation (RU)*4 | 4 | Yemen, Rep. Of (YE) | N |
Denmark (DK) | 8 | Latvia (LV) | 6 | Rwanda (RW) | 8 | Zambia (ZM) | 8 |
Djibouti (DJ) | 8 | Lebanon (LB) | 8 | Saint Helena (SH) | 8 | Zimbabwe (ZW) | N |
Dominica (DM) | 7 | Lesotho (LS) | 8 |
Company Name: Kamak Dynamics Co., Ltd.
Address: No.135-67, Caoxi Rd., Caotun Township, Nantou County 54260, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
TEL: +886-49-2315117
8. The carrier is responsible for all items damaged in transit. Please contact Kinugawa Turbo Systems Sales Representative for damage claim information and keep all of the original packing materials. The distributor will be asked to hold the damaged product for ten business days for the damage inspection and responsibility verification. Please do not return the package to Kinugawa Turbo Systems if the Distributor is unable to file a claim with the carrier by saving packing material and allowing the carrier to inspect the damaged goods, Kinugawa Turbo Systems will not be able to assist with any issue of damage in transit.1. Touch: Anti-Counterfeit filaments, randomly allocated on the Anti-Counterfeit Tag, are solid and 3-dimensional. Consumers can touch, feel and look at the Tag to verify its authenticity.
2. Scan: Use the Wetrusty APP to scan the Anti-Counterfeit Tag and QR Code. Should scanning fails, customers can switch to manual mode, enter the Tag ID numbers to obtain the authenticated image provided by Wetrusty service.
3. Compare: Compare your scanned image/photo with the authenticated image provided by Wetrusty. Pay close attention to the allocations of the Anti-Counterfeit filaments: their positions, shapes and quantities. To facilitate comparison, customers can tap the screen to enlarge and drag images, or switch compare mode—“side by side” or “overlay” mode.
4. Product information inquiry: Inquiry roduct information, traceability, logistics information, related websites and activities, company profile and websites, etc.